Tuesday, August 22, 2017

My Plein Air adventure and the September 30 in 30 Challenge

I am in the process of practicing and learning more about painting out doors, or plein air. I have purchased a pochade box and tripod and have completed five paintings so far.  It is quite different than the studio paintings I have been doing for years.  I like to paint my still life paintings by setting up the props and painting them directly.  I have painted landscapes from my own photos but have felt there is something missing in values and colors.  So far my experience has been fun and exciting.  I love being outside even though it is hot at times, yesterday during the eclipse I had my easel on my back deck and painted the view towards my neighbor's side yard.  It was so much fun listening to the birds, seeing and hearing the bees and butterflies.   I even got to see a large hummingbird moth that looks and sounds like a tiny hummingbird that is actually a moth as it was flying around my lantana and hibiscus flower pots.  So cool!  There was a mockingbird that was pretty vocal and he was chasing and squawking at something quite often.  I am sticking close to my backyard for now until I feel more confident while painting.  I know I have much to learn about the process.  I joined the 30 in 30 September challenge that Leslie Saeta is hosting.  I am thinking I might do a plein air series for this challenge.


Celia Blanco said...

That is wonderful, Debi, I can't wait to see your paintings! The red flowers below have a gorgeous intensity to them.

Debi Hinshaw said...

Celia, I know during the past few challenges I didn't get a chance to paint as often as I wanted to. I am hoping now that I am no longer working I will have more time to devote to painting. Usually, September is a favorite month of mine with the touch of fall and changes in the heat and humidity. Thank you for all your encouraging comments over the years Celia! I truly appreciate your kindness!